The Decalogue Memorial in Park Staromiejski in Lodz

The public park, also called the Walk or the English Garden was founded near Wodny Rynek in 1843 according to J. Brochocki’s scheme. The conception of the park underwent a number of changes throughout its history. After the mid-19th century it started to be called the Kwela, then Polonized as Zrodliska (Springs). The name was derived from the springs which had once existed there. Today the park consists of two parts – the eastern and the western one, separated with the former Scheibler factory estate of 1854. The industrialist’s seat and the garden surrounding it were situated on the Wodny Rynek side.

The Kwela was a traditional place for the workers’ picnics and open air parties. It used to have some seasonal objects, a shooting-gallery of the Hunters’ Association, and an open – work pavilion with a stage. In the years 1923-1925 the scheme was reworked by Ciszkiewicz, who would still add a pond with cascades. The Zrodliska are characterised by their landscape park lay – out, with a free arrangement of alleys. The tree stand comprises, among others, 300-year-old oaks. There is also a palm house, situated near Przedzalniana Street, founded in 1956. The western part of the park was given its final shape after the 1850, owing to the Berlin gardening firm. The following objects were then included in the park: a pond, the fountains, an artificial grotto and a picturesque summer – house, as well as the gardener’s house with his private garden and orchard. In recent years the Zrodliska Park has been undergoing conservation works. An important step was the restoration of the former walk pulled down by the Nazis. The other buildings – suitable for concerts and summer picnics, a continuation of the Kwela tradition – are still awaiting refurbishing.

Address: 1 Zwyciestwa Square

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