Attractions in Nowy Wisnicz
Nowy Wisnicz is a small town in Lesser Poland, in the bochenski County. There are approximately 3000 permanent citizens. You might be surprised by the fact, that many beautiful yet still overlooked monuments can be found here. The attractions of Nowy Wisnicz are numerous and very diverse. Buit we should probably start exploring the town by finding out a bit about its history.
The origins of Noiwy Wisnicz date back ot the times of the province governor of Krakow – Stanislaw Lubomirski. In the late 16th century, his father purchased the local Wisnicz Castle. Stanislaw began building the town, which gained city laws in 1616 from king Zygmunt III Waza.
From the very beginning of its existence, the city was known for high religious tolerance. It is proven by the fact, that the town was home not only for catholics but also for Jews, who were allowed to build a synagogue and a school.
After the death of the founder, the town slowly began to fall down. The following owners didn’t care neither of the castle, nor the entire town. The Swedsish Deluge only made more destructions for the town. In 1655, the Swedish people destroyed and robbed the castle.
The town suffered more loss in 1863, when the great fire destroyed many local wooden houses.
Nowy Wisnicz is very little known, compared with other towns, like for example, Kazimierz Dolny upon Vistula. That’s a shame, because there really are a few interesting places, including the already mentioned castle, the town hall, the baroque church of Blessed Virgin Mary and the Koryznowka Mansion. There are also many monumental living houses and the preserved, former urban layout.