If you’re travelling nearby the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, you should also visit Bodzentyn. This town might be small, but it is very interesting. It was established by Bodzant Jankowa – the bisop of Kraków. It gained city rights way back in 1355, but lost them for more than 100 years 1870 (until 1994). If you need to do some local business, you’ll have to go to Kielce, a city located 30 kliometers away from Bodzentyn. This itown is the place, where the office of the principal of the Świętokrzyski National Park is located. It is also worth mentioning, that long ago, the renowned Horse Fair is organized here.
One of the most precious monuments of Bodzentyn and the entire świętokrzyskie region is the church pf the Assumption of Our Lady and St. Stanisław. It was created in gothic style in the mid-15th century. Inside the church you can admire beautiful altars, pictures and sculptures. Another precious artefact of the church is the triptych by Marcin Czarny.
Another interesting thing that attracts many tourists in Bodzentyn are the ruins of the castle, which was founded by another bishop – Florian from Mokrsko. The building was created on a high slope in the 14th century. The castlev served as a place for staying the night by Władysław Jagiełło, when he was pilgrimaging to Święty Krzyż.
Tourists should also pay attention to the 17th century church of the Holy Spirit. The interesting thing about it is the fact that for a long time (about 100 years) it was a ruin. It wasn’t actually rebuilt and sacrificed again until the 21st century.