Katowice, Festival of New Scenography
Between November 27th and 30th, the second edition of the will take place in Katowice. 40 stage and costume designers as well as makeup artists from across the country will come to Katowice to participate in it.
The program includes meetings with artists and workshops for people interested in scenic design – it will be called “masterclasses”, the stage design workshops led by professors from art schools also from abroad. One of the meetings will be led by Serge von Arx – Head of the Scenography Department in Norwegian Theatre Academy. The festival also features lectures showing different faces of contemporary art and an open show on film characterization.
During the fesitval there will be also a possibility to visit tailor’s studios of the Entertainment Theatre in Chorzow and the Silesian Opera in Bytom, where you could take a look at chosen costumes in which the actors performed.
The event is organized by Center for Polisch Scenogrpahy Department of the Silesian Museum in Katowice.This year the organizers want to treat some specific areas of Katowice as a stage, this time by placing mainly a costume on it. The theme of 2013 is “Costume-Dress Code-body,” therefore, their attention is directed to the external, visible form of a composition.
The events take place in different parts of Katowice. Yo ucan find more details on the website of Silesian Museum.