The Retro Show in Szreniawa
Szreniawa is a village located in the neighborhood of the northern border of the Wielkopolski National Park. In the extensive palace park you can find the Bierbaum residence from 1852, which is currently the headquarters of the National Museum of Farming and Food Industry. The Museum;s exhibit is separated into exhibits, shown in the palace and in the pavilions of the park.
By th eastern side of the museum, at the forest hill you can see a 22-meter observation tower with a grave chapel of the Bierbaum family at the bottom floor. From the terrace of the tower extends the panorama of the Wielkopolski National Park.
The Museum organizes many events. And the greatest of them has to be the Retro Show, which takes place in the first half of October. During this event, children and grown-ups living in the city can learn a lot about life in the Polish countryside. In the museum field visitors can check out the former techniques of tillage, sowing and harvesting. You can also learn how to fry jam, whip cream, pasteurize juices and pickle cucumbers.
The greatest attraction of the Retro Show is the exhibition of old, but still working tractors from the museum’s collection and private collections. Each year, dozens of old tracors ae taking part in the show. Amon these remarkable machines you are guaranteed to see the proud Hipolina lokomobile, produced in 1919, in the Hipolit Cegielski Workshop in Poznań.