Kayaking in Poland
Kayaking is becoming more and more popular among ways of spending an active weekend by the water. And there’s nothing surprising about it, because it is affordable for everyone and suitable for just about any age group. We can find many fantastic kayaking routes in Poland – less and more extreme. Which of those routes are the most interesting and attractive? Here are a few suggestions.
1.Czarna Hancza – kayaking through Suwalszczyzna
This is one of the more beautiful rivers in the region of Suwalszczyzna, and at the same time, an incredibly attractive kayaking route. The trail of Czarna Hancza, with the length of 98 kilometers, almost entirely flows through the area of the Augustow Wilderness. The route begins at lake Wigry, and ends in the small town of Rygol, where the waters of the river and Augustow channel meet. You will need 3 to 5 days to row through the entire trail.
However, the route of Czarna Hancza isn’t meant exclusively for experienced kayakers. Beginner people can handle it too. An impediment in rowing through this trail might be (in the wilderness parts) trees knocked down by the wind or beavers. Some of the people decide to go thorugh the shorter, medium-challenging route of Gawrych Ruda-Rygol, which stretches on the length of
62 kilometers.
2.Kayaking down the river Drawa
Drawa begins its flow in the Five Lake Valley, in the Zachodniopomorskie Lake District. Although it stretches on the length of nearly 185 kilometers, most people decide not to row through the entire route. That’s all because of the fact, that halfway through the trail, the river cuts through the army traverse – you can’t swim through it unless you have a special permission. That’s the reason why kayakers usually choose either the upper or lower flow of Drawa. It is best to begin your kayaking journey nearby the bridge in Prostynia and finish by Drawa’s estuary to Notec, not far from Krzyż. During this part of the journey, the river flows calmly, between the meadows and forests. Later, on the part that flows through the Drawa National Park, the river Drawa becomes more rapid and the bottom gets rocky. On top of all that, you have to skillfully maneuver between the bushes and tree roots. But the incredible sights and thrills will be worth any effort.
3.Wieprz – kayaking through Roztocze
Although the largest river of Roztocze stretches on the length of more than 300 kilometers, most kayakers choose shorter trails. The route might be winding and at times slightly more challenging, but it is still quite suitable for beginners. The incredible landscape variability of this trail – ponds, meadows, sandy shallows and small islands – will make a huge impression on anyone during the flow down the river Wieprz. The most interesting parts of this route are located in Roztocze amnd the surroundings of Lublin, as well as in the middle flow of the river and the area of the Nadwieprzanski Landscape Park. The popular kayaking trips (shorter and less demanding) are also organized from the town of Obrocz to Szczebrzeszyn itself.
4.Krutynia – kayaking through Mazury
The route Sorkwity – Ruciane-Nida, which is popular among kayakers, is considered the most beautiful trail in Mazury. The entire route is not much more than 100 kilometers. It is also incredibly diverse and has some gorgeous landscapes. This part runs through the Piska Wilderness and the protected areas of the Mazury Landscape Park.
The most beautiful part of the route is considered the fragment between Lake Kutynskie and Ukta. The trail is not so difficult, and you should dedicate at least one week to row through it. You don’t need to worry about accommodation, because there are numerous campsites and rooms in private lodgings.
5.Brda: the kayaking trail in Pomorze
Brda is one of the most popular kayaking routes in this part of Poland. The Świeszyno-Bydgoszcz trail runs through the Tuchola Forest, which is a huge forest complex. The route guarantees diversity and varying levels of difficulty, and thus – a lot of experience. In the upper section of the Brda it is quite bright and narrow, which makes the first kilometers of the route quite difficult. But don’t be discouraged. The rest of the route is easier – at least for a while. A little lower, the river changes its character, becoming one of the easier routes in the country – also ideal for beginners. However, you cannot be fooled by this “calm current”. The face of the river changes again at the narrowing of the Brda valley. The current suddenly accelerates tremendously and the water becomes foamed. This so-called Inferno, i.e. a point where boulders and tree logs appear. It is better to be particularly careful here. After wandering through the “Piekiełko” Brda calms down and flows lazily to meet the Vistula River in Bydgoszcz
6.Tanew – „The Queen of Roztocze”
Many people believe that Tanew is one of the most beautiful rivers in Poland and the most charming place for a kayaking trip. That’s exactly why it is commonly known as „The Queen of Roztocze” The entire trail stretches at the length of 113 kilometers and gains its additional charm thanks to amazing green landscapes and dozens of small waterfalls.
You can choose between several part of the river, which can be longer or shorter, easier or harder. Most of the kayakers begin their flow from the village of Narol or Paary – these routes are also good for beginners. Meanwhile, a popular trail among families is the route between Osuchy and Stare Króle. The landscapes in this part are truely irresistable, and the river flows quite calmly.
7.Kayaking down the Biala and Czarna Nida
The river Nida – the left tributary of the upper part of the Vistula river – is created from combining two source fragments: Biala Nida and Czarna Nida Both of these parts are perfect for touristic
kayaking. The routes can be easily conquered in two days, even if you’re a beginner kayaker.
The kayak flow down the trail of Biala Nida is best to begin in the village of Mniszek (about 40 kilometers away from Kielce), the other can be started in the small town of Morawica.
The Nida kayaking trails are incredibly picturesque and, more importantly, suitable even for beginners – you don’t have to be an experiencved kayaker to row in this region, although the river can have many turns when it flows through the Swietokrzyskie Mountains. An additional asset of the trail is the fact, that Nida is one of the warmest rivers in Poland – in the summer the temperature can reach as high as 27 Celsius degrees.
8.Kayaking down the Dunajec river
Kayaking down the Dunajec river – the most beautiful mountain river in Poland, gives you the possibility to admire the landscape of the Pieniny nature (Trzy Korony, Sokolica), but also it guarantees a huge amount of thrills. The flow of the river is quite rapid, and during the trip you have to be ready for rock cliffs and foresty mountain slopes.
9.The Pilica kayaking trail
Pilica, which has its source at the area of the Krakow-Czestochowa Highland, is the longest left inflow of the Vistula river. At the same time, it is an incredibly curious, diverse kayaking trail. In the upper part the river is quite narrow. Starting from Maluszyn, the riverbed becomes wider, and the bottom and edges are sandy in many places, which, along with clean and mostly shallow water, encourages tourists to soak themselves in the river.
Fragment Maluszyn-Sulejow – approximately 90 kilometers.
10.Kayaking down Piasnica straight to the sea
Piasnica is located in northern Poland, in the area of Kaszuby. The river creates phenomenal meanders, vastly grown with plants and trees. The flow of the river begins in the Darżlubska Wilderness, and later flows straight to the Baltic Sea, to the west from Debki.
Piasnica flows quite peacefully, that’s why kayaking journeys in this place have a recreational character and are great for families with children.
The kayaking trail begins in Debki (pumping station) and ends on the beach in the village of Debki.
This kayaking trip isn’t especially challenging and lasats barely 2.5 hours. This is a gresat choice for beginners and families with children.